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Friday, May 4, 2012

My Love

Everyday is a blissful day

it's been while I didn't blog
quite busy and a little little bit, poco poco poco lazy
btw, poco is little in Spanish

I miss those days I got time to edit photos and blog about it
I miss those days I will take out some time to share anything about me or things I think worth to share
but lately things not going that easy
many things happened
and my status or things that I posted quite emo *I know is very not quite*

My love for you should be unconditional
should be infinity.. it always come with a but..
but I can't do so..
I can't love you as I suppose to be
I can't be nice to you because of what you did
I can't be the person I should be or you wish to be

of course, I will try
I will try my best to be the person I should be and also you wish I am
because you're my love one
because of you I will change myself
maybe because I am a greedy person
I want things to be perfect
I don't like things that not perfect, less likely to perfect still acceptable

therefore, please give me more time
maybe you had waited for quite a long time
don't give up on me..
I will change myself to be a better person 
for things I love, the one I love

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